Board and Activities
Board of AITI 2021-2022
Orri Huginn Ágústsson, chairman
Flækja: Sigríður Ásta Olgeirsdóttir, treasurer
Sixteen Lovers: Davíð Freyr Þórunnarson, secretary
Óperudagar, festival: Bjarni Thor Kristinsson
Reykjavík Ensemble: Pálína Jónsdóttir
Hringleikur Cirkus company: Eyrún Ævarsdóttir
Nanna Gunnars
Office of AITI
Chairman of the board: Orri Huginn Ágústsson
Tjarnargata 12, 101 Reykjavík
Mobile: +354 696 8680
Approved at the Community General Meeting on 27 June 2012
Amendments to Articles 7 and 8 approved at the Annual General Assembly on 28 May 2018
Article 1
The association is called the Association of Independent Theaters – (AITI) and is a common platform for groups of professionals in performing arts. The purpose of the association is to work towards the common interests of all independent performing arts groups and festivals in Iceland. Association home and venue are in Reykjavik.
Article 2
Any group, individual or festival who intends to work on the basis of professionalism in the field lists and can be called self-employed can become a member of SL.
Article 3
Each full member of the SL shall have the right to vote by one vote at Community meetings. A full member shall be deemed to be anyone who has paid SL membership fees for the Annual General Meeting.
Article 4
SL board meetings and general meetings shall be held as often as necessary.
Article 5
The Alliance shall be elected at the general meeting for a term of two years at a time. It shall consist of five persons and two alternates. The Chairman shall be elected separately, otherwise the Board shall divide tasks. At each AGM, 1-3 board members shall always resign and new members will be elected. No two directors may come from the same group / festival.
Article 6
The Annual General Meeting shall be held during the period March – May each year. Its agenda shall include:
- Report of the Board
- Community accounts
- Legal changes
- Election of Board and Chairman (when appropriate)
- Determination of membership fee
- Other matters
In other respects, general meetings will be a platform for all those interested in the interests, ideas and ideals of independent theaters.
Article 7
A meeting invitation for a general meeting of the Community shall be sent at least one week’s notice. A meeting convening the Community General Meeting shall be sent at least two weeks in advance.
Article 8
Proposals for legislative amendments shall be accompanied by a general meeting invitation and received by the Board of Directors at least. three weeks before the AGM.
Article 9
This Act can only be amended at the Annual General Meeting and requires 2/3 of the votes cast.
Article 10
In other matters where voting is used to decide SL meetings and conferences, a simple majority shall suffice, unless otherwise provided in this Act.
Article 11
A decision to abolish the Association of Independent Theaters cannot be made unless at least 2/3 of the representatives of the SL theaters are in attendance and 2/3 of the members of the meeting vote on the proposal. Such a proposal can only be moved at the AGM. In such a case, the Ministry of Education shall take possession of SL’s assets and funds in its custody and fruits, and shall supply and dispose of similar organizations if established.